Quoc Vi Ngu1,, Duc Tam Lam1, Khanh Nga Tran 1
1 Can Tho university of medicine and pharmacy

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Background: Vaginitis is a common gynecological condition in women of reproductive age and is the main cause of gynecological examination. Objectives: To define the incidence of vaginitis caused by 3 common agents and related factors of women age 15-79  years old come to Can Tho Hospital to have gynecologic examination.  Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 511 women came to the Gynecological Consulting-room, Can Tho Central General Hospital for gynecological examination from 1st Oct, 2016 to 1st Aug, 2017. They were be interviewed to find out relational factors of vaginitis, made clinical examination, took specimen of vaginal discharge for pH, Whiff test and wet mount analysis to determine the cause of vaginitis. Results: Among 511 cases, the percentage of vaginitis was 33,7%. Bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed in 26.0% cases, Candidiasis was detected in 9,6% and Trichomoniasis was 2.5% cases. Relevant factors of vaginitis were found: cleaning after intercourse not frequently; using unclean water supply for bathing, washing and feminine hygiene; habits of not wearing sanitary napkin and not using cotton underwear; using paper for wipping after having a bowel movement. Conclusion: The study showed high prevalence of vaginitis, especially high in bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, women attending various healthcare facilities should be diagnosed for Bacterial vaginosis, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis by using both Amsel’s diagnostic criterion and wet mount analysis to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment. 

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