Nguyen Dang Khoa Tran 1,, Van Hien Nguyen 1, Van Nang Pham 1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital

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Background: hemorrhoidal disease is the most common benign anorectal disorder with an estimated prevalence between 4% and 55% in the adult population. Nearly one-third of patients require surgical treatment. Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD) is an effective treatment for hemorrhoidal disease, safe, very little pain and preserving the anal canal structure. However, this approach hasn’t been implemented in the Mekong Delta. Objectives: To assess the short and long-term efficacy of THD procedure. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study included 31 patients with grade II or III hemorrhoidal disease that were treated with the THD procedure in Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital from 2019 to 2021. The mean follow-up was 11 ± 8 months (0-23 months). Results: A total of 31 patients were joined in the study, with grade II hemorrhoids (2 patients) and grade III (29 patients) were included in the study. Urinary retention was recorded in 3 cases, accounting for 9.7%. Neither postoperative severe pain nor bleeding was recorded in the remainder. All patients reported  returning to work in a median of 3 days after THD. At long-term follow-up, hemorrhoidal prolapse and fecal incontinence in none, skin tags were confirmed only in 1 and not requiring surgical treatment. The results were good for 93.5% of patients. 2 patients (6.5%) complained of persistent tenesmus and discomfort, the symptoms were alleviated after a month. Conclusion: Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization is a safe and effective procedure for grade II and III hemorrhoids.

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