Huy Liem Hoang1,, Ngoc Khanh Linh Le2
1 Da Nang Hospital
2 Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy

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Background: Premature ventricular contract is one of the common clinical arrhythmia. The method of treating premature ventricular contract by catheter ablation using radio frequency energy has outstanding advantages compared to antiarrhythmic drugs in that: the treatment is radical with a high success rate and low complication rate. Objectives: To evaluate of the effectiveness of treatment of premature ventricular contract with radio frequency energy at Da Nang Hospital. Materials and method: Prospective, Cross-sectional descriptive study in 62 premature ventricular contract patients at Da Nang Hospital from 3/2021 to 9/2022. Results: The success rate was 93.5%; failure rate was 6.5%; There were 6 locations in the right ventricular outflow tract with ventricular outflow tract onset, the premature ventricular contract initiation site in the anterior wall of the right ventricular outflow tract accounts for the highest percentage (35.5%). There was a statistically significant relationship between the site of onset of ventricular ectopic pregnancy, early action potential and pacing mapping with radiofrequency treatment results. The recurrence rate of premature ventricular contract was 5.2%. Conclusion: Treatment of premature ventricular contract with radiofrequency energy  is a radical treatment with high efficiency, few complications, low recurrence rate and should be the treatment of choice for patients.

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