Main Article Content
Background: In the elderly type 2 diabetes, the issue of good control of individual complications caused by diabetes is very important for the purpose of good control based on the following criteria. specific standards, in which the American Diabetes Association in 2021 offers the most optimal approach. Objectives: To evaluate the results of diabetes treatment according to the American Diabetes Association's 2021 recommendations for elderly type 2 diabetes patients. Material and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study in elderly type 2 diabetes patients (60 years and older) treated at the Department of Endocrinology, C Hospital, from March 2021 to May 2021. with n = 169. Results: Mean age 71.9 ± 8.1, male rate 51.5%, mean duration of diabetes was 10.9 ± 7.3 years; 95.3% had co-morbidities. Other health problems were recorded cognitive decline (46.6%). The proportion of patients classified as healthy (group I) was 17.8%, poor health group (group III) accounted for 47.9 %. Targeted treatment results based on health status: 12.4% had good control of fasting blood glucose (G0), 4.7% had good control of blood glucose at bedtime; the rate of HbA1C control at good and acceptable levels were both 10.7%; 52.1% reached target blood pressure; good control rate of LDL-C. Conclusion: Elderly patients with type 2 diabetes have a high rate of comorbidities and complex health conditions. Applying the recommendations of the ADA 2021 helps to personalize treatment, increase effectiveness and reduce complications.
Article Details
Type 2 diabetes, elderly, American Diabetes Association (ADA)
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