Duc Tam Lam1,, Thi Kim Thoa Pham1, Kim Phung Quan1, Thi Anh Trinh Vo1, Tan Hung Nguyen1, Thi Thu Nguyen1, Thi Gai Le1, Thi Thuy Hang Ngo1, Thanh Dien Đoàn1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


  Background: Preeclampsia is a complex disease caused by pregnancy, the disease can cause complications for both mother and fetus. Objectives: To describe clinical and subclinical features and treatment of preeclampsia at Can Tho Central General Hospital. Materials and method: A crosssectional study was conducted on 109 preeclampsia treated at Can Tho Central General Hospital. Results: There was 46.79% blood pressure ≥160/110 mmHg and 44.04% blood pressure 150/100mmHg. Severe symptoms include headache, epigastric pain, headache, and other factors such as blurred vision or epigastric pain. There was 48.57% of cases with complications for the mother and the fetus. The average gestational age was 36.95± 3.24 weeks; 57.14% at 37-40 weeks gestation. Proteinuria was 1095.24 ± 913.98 mg/dl. There was 47.77% in 44.04% of cases with proteinuria from 0.5 gram to 1 gram in 24 hours. Platelets were 228,000 /mm3 ± 55,000/mm3. Platelets <100,000 /mm3 were 1.83%. Treatment results: Cesarean section rate was 94.5%, with indications for termination of pregnancy were pre-eclampsia with abnormal factors such as amniotic fluid, overdue pregnancy, precious baby, fetal malnutrition accounting for 79.36%; child weight was 2691,429 ± 753.66 grams; 15.6% of children ≤ 2000 grams and 14.68% of children from 2000 to 2500 grams. Conclusion: Complications of pre-eclampsia are on the rise; The main treatment is cesarean section surgery.     

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