Thi Thu Trang Tran1,, Nguyen Xuan Lam Duong1, Do Lam Dien Nguyen1, Thi Thu Hang Nguyen1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh city

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Background: In Vietnam, Ipomoea L. has about 33 species, including 13 species used as drugs. Anatomical characteristics have contributed to distinguishing them and microscopic testing of medicinal plants, but have not mentioned yet. Objectives: To survey anatomical characteristics of stems, leaves of eight species in Ipomoea to provide a botanical database for building key to species of genus in Vietnam without reproductive organs. Materials and methods: Anatomical characteristics of eight species in Ipomoea are analysed, described and photoghraphed. Results: Stem, leaf anatomical structure of eight species is different. Stem: The presence/ absence of phellem, parenchyma under epidermis, trichomes. Leaf: The midrib cross section shape, the lamina thickness, the presence/ absence of parenchyma under epidermis, glandular trichomes. Conclusion: The study contributes to distinguishing eight species in Ipomoea. 

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