Thi Thuy Quynh Nguyen1,, Thai Dong Vy Nguyen1, Duy Long Le1, Ngoc Xuan Dai Vo1, Thi Thu Thuy Tran1, Thien Thang Tran2
1 Can Tho University Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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  Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental disorder of the brain. Autism spectrum disorder is a multifactorial condition caused by a complex combination of genetics and environmental factors. Typically, autism spectrum disorder in children expresses via the following aspects: the inability to understand and express nuances in social interaction, odd linguistic traits, and eccentric behaviour and manner. Within these aspects, linguistic traits should be the priority due to the communication difficulties it causes. However, studies in Vietnam have not fully described the differences in linguistic traits in children with autism spectrum disorder. Objective: To describe the linguistic traits of children with autism spectrum disorder at Can Tho Children’s Hospital in 20212022. Materials and methods:  Data were collected from 60 children (24-72 months old) who met the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder by pediatric psychiatrists. Then, data were analysed using the Chi-squared test, Anova test and Fisher's exact test. Results: Through analysis of collected data, we have concluded: The average age was 48.23 + 11.45 months. The ratio between autism spectrum disorder males/females was 3.29. Parents were usually the first to notice abnormalities in patients (96.7%) through 2 common symptoms, which were delay in speech development (60.0%) and reduced eye contact (16.7%) within the 18-24 months period (96.7%). The average age at diagnosis was 31.07 + 8.297 months, in which 61.7% were diagnosed with severe autism. In terms of communicative clinical features, common signs were: "Not playing according to age-appropriate rules" (85%), "Not playing character roles" (83.3%), "Not raising or descending the appropriate voice" (80%), "Not actively calling, talking" (78.3%). The severity of autism has little effect on the presentation of the disease. Conclusions: Difficulty in non-verbal communication is a fundamental problem of autism spectrum disorder.  

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