Thanh Hung Tran1,, Hoang Thuy Phuong Tran2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho Tuberculosis and Lung diseases Hospital

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Background: Patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a clinical symptomps that vary from flu-like symptoms to more severe clinical conditions such as respiratory failure, making diagnosis and treatment difficult. Objective: Evaluation of treatment results and determining of some factors related to the treatment outcomes of COVID-19 patients at the Hospital for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in 2021. Materials and Method: Retrospective study on 310 medical records of COVID19 patients at Can Tho Tuberculosis and Lung diseases Hospital. All data was collected by questionaires. SPSS 20.0 software was used for analyzing data. Results: There was 92.3% of patients discharged from the hospital. 1.9% of patients with more severe illnesses needed to be transferred to higher-level hospitals. 5.8% of patients died. Some factors related to results of treatment outcome were: Patients without underlying disease (OR=9.5); The patient breathes oxygen (OR=114.04); Abnormal white blood cells (OR=8.1); Increase AST (OR=2.8); Increase ALT (OR=3,1); Abnormal blood urea (OR=5.9); Abnormal creatinine (OR=4.6); Decreased blood pH (OR=50.5) and increased blood pH (OR=15.8); Increase D-Dimer (OR=61.3); Using Remdesivir >5-10 days (OR=5.3). Conclusion: It is necessary to pay attention to the clinical signs of severe transition of the patient and the subclinical results for prompt and timely intervention.

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