Vo Phuong Thao Pham1,, Thi Cu Nguyen1, Thi Hien Tran2, Thi Hanh Chau Tran3, Thi Tam Chau Dao3, Thi Phuong Nhi Truong3
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
2 Hoan My Vinh Hospital
3 Hue Central Hospital

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Background: Gastroduodenal ulcer in children is a common disease all over the world. The disease has chronic characteristics, often recurs and has dangerous complications such as: gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation, pyloric stenosis and can lead to malignant degeneration in the stomach, affecting the children's quality of life. Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and endoscopic results of children with gastroduodenal ulcer; find some relationships between clinical characteristics and endoscopic results. Materials and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 75 patients diagnosed with gastroduodenal ulcer with gastroduodenal endoscopy at the Pediatric Center - Hue Central Hospital from January 2023 to May 2024. Results: In the study, there were 59 children >8 years old, accounting for 78.7%, 16 children ≤ 8 years old; The youngest is 3 years old, the oldest is 16 years old. Median age was 12 (1014) years old. male/female ratio: 1.9/1. The abdominal pain accounts for the highest proportion (90.7%), the positive Clo-test rate was 81.3%. Conclusion: There is a relationship between clinical symptoms of pale skin, melena and hematemesis with the characteristics of duodenal lesions on endoscopy. The difference is statistically significant with p<0.05. 

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