Kim Thuy Luong1,, Thi My Duyen Huynh2
1 Can Tho City Dermatology Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Timely and adequate supply of drugs and at the same time assuring proper drug use is the duty of the pharmacy department of each hospital. Objectives: To analyze the selection and purchase of drugs and to evaluate the storage, preservation, and distribution of drugs. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional description with analysis of all drugs on the hospital's drug list, facilities, equipment, records related to storage and preservation activities, drugs distribution. Results: The drug list included 198 active ingredients divided into 22 groups, of which the antiinfective group accounted for 16.7%, minerals and vitamins 11.6%, drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases 8.6%; value of using foreign drugs accounted for 70.1%, original brand name drugs accounted for 59.8%. ABC analysis group A accounted for 74.2%. The group of drugs with the highest use value in Group A is the group of medical biological products, accounting for 68%. Analysis of VEN in group A, group V accounted for 28.9% and no group N in group A. Evaluation of factors such as personnel, warehouse, equipment, storage conditions, import, distribution, records documents, self-inspection in accordance with Circular 36/TT-BYT. Conclusion: The drug list is suitable for the disease model of the dermatology hospital, the proportion of medical biological products is high, the rate of using domestically produced generic drugs is not high. Storage, preservation and distribution of drugs at hospital pharmacy warehouses comply with current regulations.

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