Thi Kim Que Vo1,, Van Lam Nguyen1, Thai Hoang Nguyen2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital

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Background: Twin pregnancies are high-risk pregnancies of perinatal morbidity and mortality, which can cause many adverse consequences for mother and fetal both during pregnancy and labor. Objectives: To descriptive the clinical, subclinical characteristics and evaluate the pregnancy outcomes of twin pregnant women. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 170 twin pregnant women who were hospitalized and monitoring for termination of pregnancy at Can Tho City Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital. Results: Naturally conceived twins for the majority at 79.4% compared to the rate of twin conceived using ART was low at 20.6%.  The rate of Dichorionic-Diamniotic was 52.4%, higher than the rate of Monochorionic-Diamniotic was 47.6%. The pregnancy complications: selective intrauterine growth restriction was 15.9%, twin - twin transfusion syndrome was 3.5% and twin with death of one fetal was 3.5%. The rate of Cesarean section in twin pregnant was high at 89.4%. Complications for the mother: Anemia was 22.4%, preeclampsia was 14.1% and postpartum hemorrhage was 3.5%. Complications for the newborn: Preterm birth 69.4%, low birth weight for gestational age was 49.7%, respiratory distress 19.8%, the rate of newborns requiring intensive care after birth (NICU) was 18.0% and neonatal mortality was 2.7%. Conclusion: The rate of Cesarean section in twin pregnancies is quite high. Twin pregnancies cause many complications for both mother and fetal. Premature birth and low birth weight are the two biggest risks for newborn in twin pregnancies.

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