Phuong Thao Nguyen1,2, Cong Minh Van3, Tan Dat Nguyen2,, Tran Man Nguyen2
1 Vinh Long Provincial Mental Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Vinh Long Department of Health

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Background: Mental health is a crucial factor that significantly impacts the quality of life for individuals. Healthcare resources, especially mental health professionals, play a key role in providing quality care services. However, in Vietnam, the ratio of psychiatrists per 100,000 people is only 0.35, indicating a severe shortage in this field. Objective: To describe the current status of the quantity, quality, and structure of healthcare personnel involved in mental health care in Vĩnh Long province in 2023. Material and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study used secondary data from healthcare facilities in Vĩnh Long province. Results: The entire Vĩnh Long province has a total of 192 staff members involved in mental health care. The distribution is as follows: 55.7% (107 people) at the grassroots level. The age group under 40 accounts for the highest proportion at 54.7%, with males making up 58.3%. University graduates constitute 55.7%, while general practitioners working in psychiatry account for 37%. Conclusions: The mental health care workforce in Vĩnh Long is unevenly distributed across different levels and regions, posing challenges to ensuring service quality. Necessary for specific measures to develop and redistribute healthcare personnel in this field.

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