Lam Tuan Vu Tra1,, Minh Khoi Ngo1, Vu Bao Ngo2, Thi Thanh Thuy Ho3, Thi Huyen Trang Pham4, Thi Mong Diem Nguyen5, Thi Hong Loan Nguyen6, Thi Cam Huynh7
1 Can Tho City Center for Desease Control
2 Can Tho General Hospital
3 121 Military Hospital
4 Cai Rang District Medical Center
5 Binh Thuy District Medical Center
6 O Mon General Hospital
7 Thot Not General Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Depression in HIV/AIDS patients attending antiretroviral therapy has an impact on the treatment process and impacts the patient's psychology. Objectives: Assess the prevalence of depression and associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients on with ARV at Can Tho City in 2023. Materials and methods: Descriptive method through cross-sectional survey HIV/AIDS patients ≥ 16 years old being treated with ARV.  Results: The study was found to be 45,6% of participants were classified as likely to be clinically depressed with CES-D. Factors independently associated with symptoms of depression included people younger than 25 years old, being ethnic minorities, having college degrees or higher, being workers, men who sex with men, who did not adhere to ARV treatment, did not use sedatives, and feel self-stigma and being stigmatized. Conclusions: It is necessary to enhance screening and treatment of depression among HIV/AIDS patients attending antiretroviral therapy in Can Tho.

Article Details


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