Risk factors for prediction community acquired pneumonia due to gram-negative-bacteria

Truong Van Lam 1,, Dang Tran Van Anh1, Nguyen Giang Son1, Nguyen Thi Tho 1
1 An Giang Center General Hospital

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Background: The Community acquired pneumonia is a very popular infectious disease and it has a high mortality. Pneumonia due to gram negative bacteria is increasing in prevalence in the recent reports. Predict these agents as the cause of the CAP is very useful in using initial antibiotics.
Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with community-acquired pneumonia caused by gram-negative bacteria at An Giang Central General Hospital. Materials and methods: A cross- sectional descriptive study with analysis was conducted on 73 patients with CAP at addmistion in An Giang Central General Hospital from 1/1/2021 to 30/9/2021. The multivariable logistic analyse was applied to determine the independent risk factors for CAP due to gram negative bacteria agents.
Results: There were 73 patients, the mean age was 72.1±14.4 years, the youngest was 26 years old, the oldest was 94 years old. The proportion of male patients accounted for 83.6%, female patients 16.4%. The CAP due to gram negative agents was defined in (53 cases) 72.6 % of cases. The previous addmission (OR=1.8; 95% CI, 1.1-27; P=0.03), and chronic lung disease (OR=12.6; 95% CI, 1.7-93.8; P=0.013) are the independent predidic factors for CAP due to gram negative bacteria agents Conclusion: Factors such as prior hospitalization and chronic lung disease are independent risk predictors of CAP gram-negative bacteria.

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