Trung Hieu Huynh1,, Quang Dinh Nam Vo1
1 Hospital for Traumatology and Orthopaedics

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Background: Femoral shaft fractures are an incapacitating pediatric injury accounting for 1.6% of all pediatric bony injuries. Management of these fractures is largely directed by age, fracture pattern, associated injuries, built of the child and socioeconomic status of the family. Objectives: To evaluate the results of surgical treatment for femoral fractures closed by Metaizeau nailing technique. Materials and methods:  Retrospective research in 54 cases. Children aged 6 to 15 years old at Pediatric orthopedic department at Trauma and Orthopedic Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, from 01/2019 to 12/2021. Results: Bone healing was found among 100% of cases, general results were excellent at 62,9%, sactifactory results of 37,1%, no poor results, mean length of leg was of 8,4 mm after operation, functional knee and hip achieved good results. Conclusions: Osteosynthesis by Metaizeau nails was a good alternative method for treatment of close femoral shaft fracture in children.

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