Pham Minh Thu v1,, Trong Anh Tuan Tran1, Thien Vu Nguyen1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Antibiotic de-escalation (ADE) is a step-down strategy for using antibiotics when treatments are taking effect. This method has been proven clinically to bring benefits to patients and medical facilities, and is one of the important approach strategies in antibiotic stewardship in Vietnam and the world. Materials in Vietnamese were collected from libraries of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh Medicine Journal, and Vietnam Medical Journal; materials in English were collected using the search engine PubMed with keywords listed in the abstract from 2013 to 2023. Materials: These materials were chronologically read, then recommendations and data were collected to show the up-to-date characteristics and forecast future research trends. There were inconsistencies in the definition of ADE, as well as outcome criteria. Moreover, microbiology testing and antibitotic usage were different among medical facilities. Conclusions: Generally, antibiotic deescalation is not a new topic, but it never loses its relevance because of the big effects it has on people’s health, economic and social development. The gap between the theory and practice of antibiotic deescalation comes from many aspects such as human resources, policies and infrastructure issues. These are problems that future research will try to solve.

Article Details


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