Thi Van Tran1,, Thi Quynh Chi Vu2, Thi Thu Ha Le3, Le Thanh Thuy Vo1, Thi Ha Lai1, Thi Hien Hoang1, Thi Ngoc Trinh Nguyen1
1 Dong A University
2 The University of Danang
3 Hanoi University of Public Health

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Background: Chronic energy deficiency dramatically affects the appearance and health of students, such as reduced immunity, increased risk of infectious diseases, ... Objectives: To describe chronic energy deficiency status among nursing students at Dong A University in 2023 and identify related factors to chronic energy deficiency among nursing students. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 372 nursing students at Dong A University from October 2022 to April 2023. Chronic energy deficiency is measured using body mass index and is based on World Health Organization standards by age. Results: The prevalence of nursing students with chronic energy deficiency in both genders is 22.3%; in which male students account for 4.8% and female students account for 95,2%. The factors related to chronic energy deficiency in nursing students (p <0.05) were age group, first/second/third/fourth-year students, deworming status within the past six months, satisfaction with current weight and height, self-assessment of current nutritional status, and exercise. Conclusions: The rate of chronic energy deficiency among nursing students at Dong A University is high, in which female students account for a higher rate than male students. Therefore, the school needs to periodically monitor the status of chronic energy deficiency. Students need to be dewormed periodically, have proper awareness of their own weight, height, and nutritional status, and regularly exercise with sports and intensity appropriate to their health.

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