Bùi Minh Tuấn1,, Trung Kien Nguyen1, Cong Minh Van2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Vinh Long Department of Health

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Background: Dementia is a syndrome characterized by impairment of many high-level functions of the cerebral cortex without disturbance of consciousness. This group of diseases is not only creating a great pressure on the economy as well as the quality of life of patients, but also affects the health of those around them. Currently, there is no specific treatment for dementia, only treating symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. Objectives: Determining the prevalence and some related factors to dementia in elderly people in Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province in 2022-2023. Materials and methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis was conducted on 600 elderly people living in Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province in 2022-2023. Results: 32.8% of the study subjects had dementia. Some related factors found in the study were: dementia in the ≥80-year-old group was higher than that in the 60-69-year-old group (p<0.001), the secondary school education group was higher than the ≥high school age group (p <0.001), the poor and near-poor economic group was higher than the non-poor group (p<0.001), the non-smoker group was higher than the smoking group (p=0.018), the non-physically active group was higher than the high-income group. physically active (p<0.001), the group with frequent stress was higher than the group with little stress (p=0.018). Conclusions: The rate of dementia in the elderly is very high, so it is necessary to detect the disease early in order to effectively treat and care for patients.

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