Thi Ngoc Hien Huynh1,, Thi Kim Chau Doan2, Ngoc Dai Trang Nguyen1, Dai Phuc Le1, Thi Ngoc Han Nguyen2
1 Can Tho Central General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Phamarcy

Main Article Content


Background: Cardiovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes need to be detected early and left ventricular dysfunction is early myocardial damage that progresses to heart failure. Objectives: 1) To investigate the prevalence of LVDD and some factors related to LVDD. 2) To estimate plasma cortisol concentration in LVDD patients. 3) To determine the correlation between plasma cortisone levels and LVDD. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 80 inpatients with type 2 diabetes from 40-70 years old, at the Department of Endocrinology, Can Tho Central General Hospital from September 2022 to May 2023. Results: The rate of LVDD in patients with type 2 diabetes was 26.3%, grade I accounted for 33.3%, grade II (38.1%), and grade III (28.6%). The group with microalbuminuria had a higher risk of LVDD about 3.7 times higher than the normal group (OR: 3.7, p<0.05). Blood cortisol levels in patients with LVDD were much higher (median value was 19.7 versus 8.2), the difference was statistically significant (p<0.01). Plasma cortisol levels had statistically significant positive correlations with the E/e’ ratio in ultrasound with the coefficient correlation of 0.48 (p<0.01). Conclusions: Patients with type 2 diabetes with elevated blood cortisone may be at risk of LVDD and other factors such as microalbuminuria, diabetes duration, and age are also related to severity of LVDD. Plasma cortisol concentrations in type 2 diabetes mellitus group with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction were higher than in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.

Article Details


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