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Background: Based on the analysis of the current status of medical human resources at Ca Mau General Hospital, what is it like? To ensure that Ca Mau General Hospital successfully completes its mission of caring for and protecting people's health? Objective: To describe the current state of human resources at Ca Mau General Hospital in the period from 2020 to 2023. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, combining research methods quantitative research with qualitative research methods. Sample size to evaluate the number, structure, and level of human resources: all officers and employees of Ca Mau General Hospital from May 2022 to February 2023. Result: The number of human resources over the years has been lacking, the ratio of medical staff/hospital beds in 2023 was 1.06 (still missing 167 staff). Human resources for the clinical sector (65.6%), paraclinical sector (16.0%), and administrative management sector (18.4%). The structure of human resources according to professional titles has been adjusted gradually over the years, with the ratio of achieving university pharmacist/high school pharmacist (1/2.1) according to Circular 08. By 2023, human resources University degrees accounted for 31.59%, postgraduate degrees accounted for 12.36%, PhD or CKII degrees accounted for 11.86%, Master's degrees, CKI degrees accounted for 37.29%. Hospital leadership qualifications were all up to standard. The capacity to perform technical expertise reached 80.16%, some technical departments with low performance were Psychiatry, Dermatology, Laboratory Testing, and Pathology. Conclusion: There is a shortage of medical human resources, the human resource structure by professional department is not reasonable, the human resource structure by professional title has been adjusted gradually over the years. The capacity and qualifications of hospital leaders are up to standard. The hospital performs well in technical expertise, while some departments of Psychiatry, Dermatology, Laboratory Testing, and Pathology perform poorly in terms of technical expertise.
Article Details
Situation, health workforce, hosptital
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