Van Sa Va Nay Kien1,, Pham Thi Tam2
1 Can Tho Medical College
2 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Background: Studies around the world have reported that during the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare workers have experienced psychological issues. Objectives: To determine the stress prevalence among healthcare workers and explore factors associated with the stress status of healthcare workers at hospitals in Can Tho City. Materials and methods: The study was conducted  on 609 healthcare workers currently employed at seven public hospitals in Can Tho City. The research was carried out using a cross-sectional descriptive method with analysis. The sample was selected through a combination of purposive and systematic random sampling methods. Results: The stress prevalence among healthcare workers in the seven hospitals is 38.3%, including mild stress at 8.9%, moderate stress at 12.0%, severe stress at 7.7%, and very severe stress at 9.7%. The results show a correlation between the stress status of healthcare workers and their involvement in COVID-19 prevention and control efforts, participation in treatment teams, and having been infected with COVID-19, with p<0.05. Conclusion: After the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, the stress levels among healthcare workers at city-level hospitals in Can Tho remain quite high. This indicates that managing and mitigating stress among healthcare professionals is crucial after their work in COVID-19 prevention and control efforts.

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