Van Suu Nguyen1,, Anh Phong Le2, Van De Tran3, Thi Duong Nhi Pham4
1 CanTho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Dong Nai Children's Hospital
3 Can Tho Children's Hospital
4 Binh Chanh Medical Center

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Background: Child mortality is currently a matter of great concern to health managers.

The under-5 mortality rate decreased from 55.4‰ in 1995 to 46‰ in 2000; 19.7% in 2015 and 13.9% in 2020. At Dong Nai Children's Hospital in recent years, the mortality rate tends to decrease, but death within 24 hours after admission is still in numbers alarming. Objectives: Infinitive of epidemiological, clinical characteristics and rate of causes of death in the first 24 hours of admission at Dong Nai Children's Hospital in 2018-2022. Materials and methods: Retrospective study on 238 pediatric patients who died within the first 24 hours from 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2022 at Dong Nai Children's Hospital. Results: 100% of pediatric patients who died within the first 24 hours after admission had respiratory failure at the time of admission; 95% of pediatric patients have shock; Coma level P, U according to the APVU scale accounted for 84.9%; 64.3% of pediatric patients had hypothermia at the time of admission. Causes of death in the first 24 days after admission by pathology group from high to low: circulatory system (33.6%); newborn (31.1%); exogenous causes (9.2%); clinical - unclassified abnormal subclinical (8.4%); infection - parasites (8%); injury-poisoning (6.3%)… Conclusions: The mortality rate in the first 24 hours of pediatric patients at Dong Nai Children's Hospital is very alarming, notably in extremely premature neonates because extremely premature infant mortality ranks second second only to circulatory system diseases. Therefore, extreme care should be taken in these patients upon admission.

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