Thi Hong Nga Tran1,, Thanh Soul Pham2, Phuong Nam Nguyen1, Quoc Truong Tran2
1 Long An General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Background: Infectious diseases occur in 60-80% of patients with renal failure, and dose adjustment of antibiotics is important and necessary to ensure efficacy and minimize the risk of drug toxicity, optimize treatment and treatment costs. Objectives: 1. To determine the characteristics of antibiotic use in patients with renal failure. 2. To determine the dose adjustment rate and some factors related to the unreasonable adjustment of antibiotic doses in patients with renal impairment. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among 256 medical records with antibiotic indications in patients with renal impairment and 28 doctors at the Department of Renal Pulmonary - Long An General Hospital in 2022-2023. Results: The β-lactam group had the highest number of prescriptions, accounting for (66.4%). Next is the fluoroquinolone group (24.2%). Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid had the highest number of prescriptions, accounting for (18.2%) and the lowest was clarithromycin 0.3%. The proportion of medical records of patients adjusting for inappropriate antibiotic doses generally accounted for 19.1%. Factors related to the inappropriate dose adjustments of antibiotic with glomerular filtration rate in patients (p=0.001). Factors related to the inappropriate dose adjustments of antibiotic with professional qualifications of doctors (p=0.001). Conclusion: The proportion of medical records adjusted for inappropriate antibiotic doses accounts for a high proportion. The results of the study suggest that it is necessary to monitor and advise Medical staff about renal dosage adjustments.

Article Details


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