Thanh Dat Le1,, Vinh Dat Lieu2, Huynh Trang Vo2
1 Can Tho Central General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: The chronic occlusive arterial disease of the lower extremity is one of the main disastrous consequences on old patients. Bypass surgery is still one of the main methods for managing this disease. Objectives: Describe clinical and subclinical and the result evaluating of bypass surgical in the chronic occlusive arterial disease lower extremity. Materials and methods: Prospective, cases series describing, research is performed to describe 41 patients at Can Tho Central General Hospital 2019-2021 as age, gender, risk factors, clinical and paraclinical characteristics. Evaluate the result of bypass surgical. Results: There were 41 patients the chronic occlusive arterial disease lower extremity and were treated with bypass surgery. The mean age was 64.9 ± 13.99, the male/female was 9.25. Almost has high risk factor as hypertension 87.8%, diabetes 43.9%, lipid disorder 26.8%, and smoking 90.2%. 31% of them were admitted with necrosis of their foot, the others with pain on the foot 69%. There are 63.4% belong to classes III and IV with LericheFontaine. The ABI score is 0.102. All patients were in C and D class with TASC II classification. Femoropopliteal bypass operations were 61%, 17.1% of abdominal aorta bifemoral bypass, 19.5% of femorotibial bypass are 19.5%, and 2.4% axillofemoral artery bypass. The patency rate was 96,9%, and amputation was 3.1% (6.8 ± 6.37 month). Conclusion: Bypass surgery is the main method with good results in the chronic occlusive arterial disease lower extremity.

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