Khanh Duy Nguyen 1,, Duy Long Le 2, Thi Diem Nguyen 2
1 Ca Mau General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious complication in patients with an acute ischemic stroke that usually develops silently, with only 20%-40% of patients present with symptoms. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the benefits and risks of early prophylaxis of this disease. Objectives: To investigate the risks and evaluate the results of prevention of deep vein thrombosis with anticoagulants enoxaparin. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted  on 58 patients who met the criteria for sample selection. Results: Average of Wells’ score was 2.14±0.35. In Wells’ criteria for deep vein thrombosis, there was 100% cases had paralysis, muscle weakness, and bedridden recently >3 days; 4 leg edema cases accounted for 6.9%; 1 case of superficial collateral veins rated 1.7%; 3 cases had previously documented DVT were 5.3%. The incidence of a cerebral hemorrhage in the study of 1.7% in the group of patients who used the drug clopidogrel, bleeding in the average degree was airway bleeding and gastrointestinal bleeding 3.4% in the group of patients with aspirin. The rate of mild subcutaneous bleeding accounted for 3.4%, also in the group that used aspirin. Thrombocytopenia >50% after treatment has a non-statistically significant decrease. The result of the second ultrasound was 100% that did not have DVT. Conclusions: Using enoxaparin provides 100% effective means of preventing lower extremity DVT in average-risk patients. The risk of bleeding increases when using clopidogrel or aspirin.

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