Cong Tam Huynh1, Quoc Duy Tran1,, Minh Hoang Nguyen1, Thi Minh Thu Bui2
1 Can Tho Gynecology Obstetrics Hospital
2 Bệnh viện Phụ sản thành phố Cần Thơ

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Background: The combined spinal-epidural technique taking advantages of spinal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia with fast onset time, early surgery is possible, and an epidural can assist in prolonging anesthesia when needed. Objectives: Evaluate efficacity of patientcontrolled combined spinal-epidural anesthesia to intraoperative and postoperative cesarean section at can tho gynecology obstetrics hospital in 2021. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 42 women with indications for cesarean section. They was admitted to the Department of Surgery Anesthesia - Intensive Care - Anti-toxicity at the Can Tho Gynecology Obstetrics Hospital from 03/2021 – 10/2021. Results: pain relief efficacy during surgeries was good 88.1%, average 11.9%. Pain relief efficacy after surgeries was good, 100% of cases have pain scale < 3 points, mild changes in hemodynamics and respiration. The dose of anesthetic and opiate used did not affect the health of the new-born, in no case Apgar < 4 points. Conclusion: The technique of patient-controlled combined spinal-epidural anesthesia achieved good and safe analgesia to intraoperative and postoperative cesarean section; does not affect the health of the new-born.

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