Huynh Thi Thu Hien1, Nguyen Hoang My Duyen1, Nguyen Hoang Anh1, Huynh Quang Hao1, Nguyen Hoang Tin1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Tóm tắt

Nowadays, there are many factors causing the decrease of male reproductive function such as diet, routine, chemical, ... But some of them have not been paid appropriate attention to, especially the use of paracetamol, which has a significant negative effect on the reproductive process. In this study, we will summarize the results of several studies on the harmful effects of prolonged high-dose use of paracetamol on sperm number, quality, portability and testicular morphology in experimental animals and humans. The association between the long-term usage of paracetamol in chronic human diseases and their toxicity is highly concerned, especially the reproductive function. Their toxicity has increased more in adult male subjects, along with the introduction of studies on the use of high and long-term doses of paracetamol affecting reproductive quality. This review discusses the link between long-term usage of high doses of paracetamol and fertility as well as the effects of sex hormones in experimental animals and humans nowadays. As a result, paracetamol affects the reproductive system, impairing spermatogenesis and sperm quality. The amount of reproductive function damage, the dosage and duration of paracetamol usage are closely correlated. When groups of participants take paracetamol, numerous investigations in both experimental animals and humans have shown a decrease in sperm count and sperm motility as well as abnormalities in sperm morphology and testicular histology. Physicians have to exercise caution while treating patients with paracetamol and other related medications, especially men. Therefore, more studies should be done to determine the relationship between dosage, response, and treatment duration. When treating patients with decreased sexual function, medications that can prevent paracetamol toxicity should be used in conjunction with other medications. Especially, traditional medicine continues to play a significant part in the research and development of many new medicines despite the rapid advancement of contemporary medicine.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

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