Tri Hieu Bui1,, Quang Duc Lam2, Tien Dung Dang2, Thang Nguyen2
1 Public health facilities in Kien Luong district
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Implementing the regulations on prescribing outpatients at district and commune health facilities always has limitations and needs to be studied and evaluated comprehensively. Objectives: 1. Determine the percentage of prescriptions that comply with the regulations on outpatient prescriptions at public health facilities of Kien Luong district in 2022; 2. Analysis of some indexes of prescriptions in these public health facilities in 2022. Materials and method: Prescriptions from outpatients with health insurance at 09 health facilities in Kien Luong district from September 2022 to November 2022; Base on Circular No. 52/2017/TT-BYT and Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BYT to evaluate. Results: The regulations on recording prescriber information were well implemented in all surveyed prescriptions. However, there are still problems such as not specifying the patient's address when only 3.1% of prescriptions have a full address to the house number. For drug information recording, 100% of the surveyed prescriptions comply with regulations. Regarding the information on drug usage instructions, there are still 4.4% that do not specify the dose and time of taking the drug. The average number of drugs prescribed is 4.08/prescription; the rate of antibiotic prescriptions is 33.7%; Rate of drugs prescribed by generic name is 100%; Only 1 prescription prescribed injection; the rate of using vitamins is 19.0%; the percentage of prescribed drugs included in the list of essential drugs of the Ministry of Health is only 36.7%. Conclusion: Public health facilities in Kien Luong district have been performing well according to current regulations. However, it is necessary to have solutions to improve the prescribing indicators to achieve the best effect in treating.

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