Thi Nhu Le Tran1,, Nguyen Anh Huy Tran2, Van Lam Nguyen1, Van Tram Ta3, Ngoc Hang Nguyen3, Truong Khang Lieu4, Thi Gai Le1, Kieu Anh Tho Pham1, Kim Nguyen Le1, Ngoc Niem Bui1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Bac Lieu Provincial Center for Disease Control
3 Tien Giang Central General Hospital
4 Can Tho Central General Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Gastritis and duodenal ulcers is one of top 5 causes for hospitalizing in Tien Giang province. Evaluate the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) surveillance and antibiotic resistant rate among patients with gastritis and duodenal ulcers is practical meaning and enable patients to receive proper treatment. Objectives: Demonstrating the antibiotic resistant rate for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection status in patients with gastritis and duodenal ulcers by E-test methods. Assess the correlation between the incidence factors and antibiotic resistant level among those infected patients. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from June 2020 to June 2021 at Tien Giang province and patients with gastritis and duodenal ulcers were recruited. The suitable volunteers were tested with at least two from 3 following methods including Gram stain, CLO test, and identification and antibiotic susceptibility exam by culture method. Results: The resistance rate to 5 type of antibiotic using in H. pylori treatment such as metronidazole, clarithromycin, tetracycline, levofloxacin, and amoxicillin were 96.6%, 94.8%, 70.7%, 61.2%, and 53.4% respectively. Alcohol consumption showed a correlation with the tetracycyclin and clarithromycin resistance rate (t test, p-value<0.05). The background treatment was found as an incidence which correlated with levofloxacin resistance (t test, p-value<0.05). Conclusions: The emergence of antibiotic-resistant among H. pylori is an important healthy concern in Tien Giang. The patients who are treating H. pylori infection should be recommend to stop drinking alcohol because it could effect to raise the resistant rate of clarithromycin and tetracyclin. 

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