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Background: Nosocomial infections are a global health problem that increases morbidity and mortality rates for patients. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, in 2007 in developing countries, 1.4 million patients had hospital-acquired infections, and the costs for patients with hospital-acquired infections were about 1.300.000-2.300. 000 USD/year. In
Europe, the mortality rate from nosocomial infections is about 50.000 deaths per year. In Vietnam, the overall hospital-acquired infection rate in hospitalized patients ranges from 5% to 10%, depending on the characteristics and size of the hospital. The rate of hospital-acquired infections can be up to 20%-30% in high-risk areas such as ICU, surgery, etc. Objectives: 1. Determining the ratio of knowledge and regimes on microbiological examination at the Manufacturing Hospital in
Tra Vinh province in 2021. 2. Determining related to knowledge and regime of microbiological examination at the Provincial Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Tra Vinh in 2021. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, all nurses are working at Tra Vinh Province Obstetrics and Children's Hospital. Results: Percentage of nurses with correct knowledge 58.7%, correct attitude 70.7%. There was a relationship between qualifications and knowledge and attitudes of nurses. Conclusion: With the low rate of knowledge and attitudes of nurses about infection control, it was necessary to continue to open training courses on infection control in hospitals to improve knowledge and attitudes of nurses on infection control. Incorporating training and updating of infection control manuals on a regular basis.

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