Thi Hien Nguyen 1,, Ba Nam Nguyen 1, Tan Dat Nguyen 2, Thi Ngoc Mai Nguyen 3
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Jio Health Vietnam General Clinic
3 Can Tho Children's Hospital

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Background: Diabetes is a burden on the economic and social development of the family and the country. Therefore, besides disease prevention, treatment adherence management is the only and most effective solution to help control good blood glucose and prevent complications caused by diabetes, to ensure the health of the patients. Objectives: To determine the proportion of diabetic patients whose monitoring and treatment adherence are managed at health stations in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city, and to find out some related factors to treatment non-adherence of patients with diabetes. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 308 diabetic patients with an average age of 62.38 (SD: 10.16) who were being managed at health stations in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. Collecting data by directly interviewing through a set of prepared questionnaires, weighing to get anthropometric indicators, and recording blood glucose measurements based on medical examination books. Results: The overall adherence rate was 21.4%. The rate of compliance with the regimen of drug use, diet, alcohol/beer restriction, nonsmoking, blood glucose monitoring, and re-examination, physical activity was 85.7%, respectively; 22.1%; 92.9%; 88.3%; 73.7%; 42.5%. Non-adherence to treatment in the group with poor knowledge was higher than in the group with good knowledge, and non-compliance in treatment in the group not using health insurance was higher than in the group using health insurance with p<0.05 and OR of 2 situations respectively was 2.94 and 3.08. Conclusion: There should be communication and education measures to improve the treatment adherence of the patients to limit the complications caused by diabetes.

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