Thi Tuyet Minh Ly1,, Thi Hoang My Le 1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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  Background: Irregular red blood cell antibodies are the main cause of late transfusion reactions after a blood transfusion. Objectives: To identify the percentage of unexpected red blood cell antibodies and relevant factors related to the occurrence of irregular red blood cell antibodies of haematological patients having got transfusions in Can Tho Hematology Blood Transfusion Hospital in the period 2020-2021. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study on 390 patients diagnosed as having blood diseases and having received blood in Can Tho Hematology Blood Transfusion Hospital in the period 2020-2021. Results: The rate of unexpected antibodies was 11.5%. The Rh blood group system had the highest percentage of irregular antibodies (62.7%) and anti-E was the most common (54.9%). The occurrence of single unexpected antibodies was seen with the highest rate (80%) and anti-E accounted for the most (51.1%). There was an important association between the female sex and the appearance of irregular antibodies (p<0.05). Conclusion: The percentage of irregular red blood cell antibodies is 11.5%, the Rh blood group system had the highest percentage of irregular antibodies (62.7%), the occurrence of single unexpected antibodies was seen with the highest rate (80%), a significant relationship is detected between the female sex and the occurrence of unexpected antibodies (p<0.05).

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