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Background: Preauricular sinus is a fairly common head and face fistula, a diagnose is simple but easy recurrence after surgery. Objectives: Describe clinical characteristics, histopathology and assessment of surgical treatment for preauricular sinus. Materials and methods: Studied 70 patients suffering from preauricular sinus surgically treated; by the method of descriptive observative prospective study. Results: Location of preauricular sinus: Classical position 94.9%; posterior to classical position 5.1%. Surgical procedures: Hot 91.4%; warm 8.6%. Recurrence after surgery 3 months having 6 ears, accounted for 8.6%. Results after surgery 3 months: Good 91.4%; bad 8.6%. Conclusion: Preauricular sinus were most common in children, combined defects were rare. Preauricular sinus having classical position occupied high percentage. The majority of postoperative results were good.
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Preauricular sinus
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