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Background: Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin disease that mainly occurs during puberty. Although acne vulgaris is not life-threatening, it has physical symptoms such as a rash, pain, and stinging. It also affects patients psychologically (such as friendship issues, workplace trouble, bad appearance, self-deprecation, shame, anger, anxiety, emotional burden, etc.), socially (dislike, feeling stigmatized, etc.), and mentally (anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts). All of these problems severely reduce the patient's quality of life. In Vietnam in general and at Can Tho Dermato-Venereology Hospital in particular, acne is one of the leading causes of patients coming for examination and treatment. However, few studies on the quality of life of acne patients have been done. Objectives: To determine the rate of impact on quality of life and some related factors in patients with moderate to severe acne at Can Tho Dermato-Venereology Hospital in 2021-2023. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study analyzed 92 patients with acne at Can Tho Dermato-Venereology Hospital. Results: In our study, 43.5% of patients were female, 53.7% were male; and the majority of patients (55.4%) were aged 19 years old and over, compared to 44.6% aged under 19. The disease duration under 1 year was 33.7% and from 1 year or more 66.3%. Severe and very severe acne accounted for 73.9%, and moderate acne was 26.1%. For acne-induced QoL impairment by CADI score, there was no impairment (CADI=0) in 4 (4,3%), mild impairment (CADI=1-5) in 12 (13%), moderate impairment (CADI=6-10) in 48 (52,2%) and severe impairment (CADI=11-15) in 28 (30,4%). The severity of impairment was associated with acne grade (p=0,038). In view of acne grade, the level of QoF impairment among severe and very severe acne (97,1%) outgrew it in moderate acne (83,3%). The severity of impairment was associated with occupation (p=0,033) and the duration of acne (p=0,016). Conclusions: There was no impairment in 4 (4,3%), mild impairment in 12 (13%), moderate impairment in 48 (52,2%) and severe impairment in 28 (30,4%). The severity of impairment was associated with occupation (p=0,033), duration of acne (p=0,016), and acne grade (p=0,038).
Article Details
acne, quality of life, isotretinoin

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