Minh Tuan Nguyen1,, Van Tri Cao1, Duy Khanh Nguyen1, Quang Binh Truong1, Van Hieu Do1, Trong Luc Tran1, Quoc Tri Nguyen1
1 Da Nang Hospital

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Background: Nephronsparing surgery for renal cell cancer is selected almost routinely for cases of T1a renal cell carcinoma and is considered contraindicated in cases of Tlb. Cancer-free survival in the Nephronsparing surgery and radical nephrectomy groups was similar. Objectives: To evaluate the results of treatment nephronsparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma in the early stage. Subjects and methods: 30 patients underwent nephronsparing surgery for renal cell cancer at Da Nang hospital from October 2017 to October 2022. Results: The average age was 54.9 ± 12.1 years old (29 - 76 years old). Male/Female ratio = 2/1. Low back pain is the main functional symptom, accounting for 56.7%; hematuria was found in 13.3%. Incidentally discovered through physical examination accounted for 30. Tumor: right kidney 63.3%, left kidney 36.7%. Average tumor size: 25.7 ± 0.7 mm (12 - 44 mm). Surgery: 83.3% open nephronsparing, 16.7% laparoscopic nephronsparing. The average operation time was 86.1±14.1 minutes. There were 2 patients with bleeding complications during surgery requiring blood transfusion, accounting for 6.7%. 1 case of spleen loss during surgery accounted for 3.3%. Stage: 100% is stage I. (T < 7 cm, N0, M0). Good results accounted for 93.3%, average accounted for 6.7%. Life expectancy is decreasing over the years. Evaluation of additional survival in the study with 1, 2, 3-year additional survival rates was 100%, 96.7%, 89.7%. Conclusion: Nephronsparing surgery is a good choice for the treatment of stage 1 renal cell carcinoma (T < 7 cm) and can replace radical nephrectomy in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Nephronsparing surgery can be performed through open surgery or laparoscopically if conditions permit.

Article Details


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