Bui Bao Tien Nguyen1,, Thuy Trang Nguyen1
1 Da Nang University of medical technology and pharmacy

Main Article Content


  Background: Tooth loss affects the health of the elderly. Therefore, there is a need for intensive studies on this issue to supplement information, data and make appropriate recommendations. Objective: To investigate the status of tooth loss, prosthodontic status, and prosthodontic treatment need in the elderly in Da Nang. Materials and method: A descriptive crosssectional study was conducted on 171 people aged ≥60 years in two medical center in Hai Chau and Thanh Khe districts. Oral condition and number of missing teeth was examined and recorded. The number of dentures used, expectation about prosthetics, and history of using dentures were also obtained. Results: The percentage of tooth loss in the elderly was 93.6% in the 75+-year age group. It was significantly higher than that in 60-74 age group (p < 0.05). About 40% of tooth loss was restored. About 84% of participants needed prosthodontic treatment. About 68% of participants required prosthodontic treatment. Conclusion: The level of prosthodontic rehabilitation in elderly was low compared with the percentage of tooth loss. The need to replace missing teeth should be addressed to elderly.

Article Details


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