Ngo Nguyen Lien Trang1,, Vo Minh Phuong1, Duc Nhan Doan1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Severe sepsis and septic shock are major healthcare problems, affecting millions of individuals around the world each year. Central venous- aterial CO2 partial pressure difference values ΔPCO2 to be associated with poorer clinical outcomes, including worsened hemodynamic parameters, poorer tissue perfusion, and greater in hospital mortality. Objectives: To describe the clinical, laboratory characteristics and mortality prognostic value of ΔPCO2 of septic shock patients. Materials and method: A descriptive cross-sectional study on 77 patients who were diagnosed with septic shock from March 2022 - March 2023 at Intensive Care Unit of Can Tho Central General Hospital. Results: The majority of patients was female (55.8%), with the median age was 64 years old. The most common infection tracts which cause septic shock were respiratory tract (48.1%) and gastrointestinal tract (37.7%). The outcome of septic shock treatment was with 75.3% mortality and 24.7% stabe. In patients with septic shock ΔPCO2 cut point 6.25mmHg, the area under the curve was 0.815 with high prognostic mortality sensitivity was 86.2%, specificity was 68.4%. Group ΔPCO2 T6 >=6.25mmHg has higher mortality rate than group ΔPCO2 T6 <6mmHg 3.49 times with positive predictive value was 83% and negative predictive value was 41.6%. Conclusion: Central venous - aterial CO2 pressure at T6 may be an effective tool for prognostic mortality for patients with septic shock. Patients with ΔPCO2 T6 >=6.25mmHg should be monitored and treated intensively.

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