Viet Hoang Tran1,, Quang Huy Vo1, Vu Quynh Ta2, Ngoc Lan Vo2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho Children Hospital

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Background: Cecal diverticulitis is a rare disorder and is difficult to diagnose in children. This disease given its mimicry of the much more prevalent acute appendicitis. Objectives: To describe the clinical, sub-clinical and results of treatment of colon-diverticulitis. Method: Case series report. Results: We present 4 cases of cecal diverticulitis were diagnosed and treated in CanTho Children’s Hospital from 2019 to 2021. Pre-operative diagnosis of all cases were appendicitis and treated successful by laparoscopic surgery. All patients had an uneventful postoperative course, and were discharged home free of medication 6 days after surgery. Conclusion: Laparoscopy treatment cecal diverticulitis in children is safe and can be performed as appendectomy

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