Phuc Hung Nguyen1, Thi Minh Ngoc Le1, Duy Khanh Dang1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: The antibiotic resistance problem is increasingly serious. Drug sellers (DS) need to know about antibiotics to provide advice and instructions on reasonable patient usage of them. Objective: To evaluate and determine related factors to the DS's knowledge currently about antibiotics and their usage. Materials and methods: This research used the cross-sectional descriptive method. We interviewed 180 DSs in 9 districts in Can Tho city by questionnaire to determine the score on knowledge of selling antibiotics regulation, principles of antibiotic use, and the risk of antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance. Moreover, our study also identified relevant factors based on the subjects’ characteristics. Results: The survey revealed that DS was a woman at a high rate (65%). Most participants with a university degree (59.4%), secondary pharmaceutical education (27.8%) and college (12.8%). Only 7.8% of respondents did not know about dispensing antibiotics without a prescription increases antibiotic resistance, compared to 92.2% who did. The percentage of DS having a good knowledge score was 86%. The subjects had a higher median knowledge score than the rest (p<0.05), including people with a university degree, incomes from 3 million to less than 10 million, and working in a private facility and living in urban areas. Conclusion: The majority of DSs in Can Tho city have good knowledge about antibiotics.

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