Thi Nguyen Thao Nguyen1, Cong Ly Tran1, Thi Xuan Quynh Nguyen1,, Hoai Phong Le1, Thi Bao Duyen Nguyen1, Nhat Tuan Huynh1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Acute diarrhea is one of the most common diseases in children and is the main cause of dehydration in children. Objectives: To describe clinical, paraclinical characteristics and evaluate treatment results of acute watery diarrhea with dehydration in children hospitalized at Can Tho Children's Hospital in 2021-2022. Materials and methods: A case series study of 50 cases diagnosed with acute watery diarrhea with dehydration at Can Tho Children's Hospital in 20212022. Results: To acute watery diarrhea with dehydration was common in the age group <24 months (82%). In terms of clinical characteristics, the number of children with acute watery diarrhea with dehydration was 9 times higher than that of children with acute watery diarrhea with severe dehydration. Regarding signs of dehydration, children with acute diarrhea showed signs of eagerness to drink water (92%) and sunken eyes (96%) accounted for the highest percentage. In terms of paraclinical features, most children with acute diarrhea had a white blood cell count >10.000 cells/mm3 (54%). Serum electrolyte results showed that 42% of children with a low level of Na+ and 42% of children with low K+. The main causative agent is Escherichia coli (80%). Regarding treatment, the average length of hospital stay is 6.46±2.224 days. Most of the children received Ringer Lactate infusion during the first 12 hours (68%), the infusion dose >15 mL/kg/h acounts for a high rate with 52% and a mean duration of 3.16±1,39 hours. Conclusions: Most children with acute diarrhea had dehydration in the age group <24 months, two common signs of dehydration are sunken eyes and eager of drinking. Most children with acute diarrhea have electrolyte disorders when being dehydrated.

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