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Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common peripheral nerve damage syndrome. Currently, the number of people with this syndrome is increasing due to the increasing demand for work that uses a lot of flexibility, meticulousness and repetition of the wrist. Objectives: (1) To describe the clinical and electromechanical characteristics of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome at Can Tho University Medicine of Pharmacy Hospital. (2) To survey of electromyography results in carpal tunnel syndrome at Can Tho University Medicine of Pharmacy Hospital. Materials and methods: The patients were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome at Can Tho University Medicine of Pharmacy Hospital from June 2021 to June 2022. Results: The most common age group was 41 - 60 years old and is common in women (86%). The most common occupation was housewife (26%), worker (22%). The longest recorded duration was 12 years and the lowest was 2 months.
The number of patients with symptoms of both hands in the study was 44, accounting for 68.8%, 12 patients with right hand accounted for 18.7% and only 8 patients with left hand accounted for 12.5%. Tinel's sign had the highest sensitivity in clinical tests, accounting for over 90% of carpal tunnel disease. Clinical signs: paresthesia (100%), decreased sensation (75%), hand pain (77%), muscle weakness (48%), muscle atrophy (2%). Conclusions: Clinical grading according to the Boston scale: mild 36.7%, moderate 28.1%, severe 18.7%, very severe 4%. Indicators that have diagnostic value in determining carpal tunnel syndrome include: latent sensory time, latent time, sensory potential difference and mid-ultra-pillar potential difference. There was a relationship between clinical and electrodiagnostic in the classification of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with statistical significance with p = 0.001 (p < 0.05).
Article Details
Carpal tunnel syndrome, electromyography, Tinel's sign, Boston scale
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