Hoang Khiem Nguyen 1,, Van Ba Huynh 1, Thi Thuy Trang Nguyen1, Hai Dang Nguyen1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Understanding the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of cellulitis plays an important role in early diagnosis and effective treatment. Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics, white blood cells, CRP, bacteriology and antibiogram of patients with cellulitis at Can Tho Dermato-Venereology Hospital in 2022. Material and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 35 patients with cellulitis. Results: The majority of lesions have the following characteristics: located in extremities (62.9%), pus (82.9%) and purulent exudate (71.4%). Most of the patients had leukocytosis (82.9%), increased CRP (71.4%). The majority of patients had negative pus cultures (42.9%), in the cases of positive pus cultures, the most common bacteria was Staphylococcus aureus (37.1%). Antibiogram results show that: the antibiotics that bacteria in cellulitis remain highly sensitive are linezolide (83.3%), moxifloxacin (83.3%), ciprofloxacin (80%), and levofloxacin (75%). Conclusion: Cellulitis mainly occurs in extremities, most of them have pus but the rate of negative pus culture is high. Most of the patients had elevated white blood cell count and CRP. Staphylococci accounted for the highest percentage of positive pus cultures. The antibiotics linezolide, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin have high bacterial susceptibility in cellulitis.

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