Kim Ngan Duong1,, Van Lam Nguyen 2, Thi Truc Van Tran3, Kim Loan Nguyen 1, Thi Ngoc Hanh Tran 1, Trung Tinh Tran 1
1 Ca Mau Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Military Hospital 121

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Background: Medical abortion was a method of termination of pregnancy with drugs that cause abortion without surgical procedures and can limit the complications of aspiration abortion on the uterus with old caesarean scar, with a high success rate that has been researched and proven at home and abroad. Objectives: Survey on clinical and evaluation of medical abortion results in patients with cesarean section less than 9 weeks. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 99 unplanned pregnancies with a gestational age of less than 9 weeks (≤ 63 days), with a previous cesarean section. Information collected includes general information, clinical and laboratory characteristics and medical abortion results. Results: The percentage of subjects pregnant with 3 or more times was 57.1%; gestational age from 5-7 weeks was 88.8% and from 8-9 weeks was 11.2%; having cesarean section also < 12 months was 38.4% and mild anemia was 12.1%. The success rate of medical abortion in pregnant women 9 weeks with cesarean section was 94.9%. The percentage of subjects with delivery time < 4 hours was 79.8%, from 4-8 hours was 19.2% and > 8 hours was 1.0%. There were no subjects with haemorrhage. Conclusions: The success rated of medical abortion with misoprostol in pregnant women with cesarean section less than 9 weeks is quite high and there are few dangerous side effects. 

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