Rate of liver fibrosis and some related factors in senior military officers examined at Military Hospital 121 in 2021-2022

Kim Thanh Hung 1,, Pham Thi Tam 2
1 Military Hospital 121 - Military Region 9
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Liver fibrosis is a common disease in the elderly and cirrhosis is the leading cause of death from liver diseases worldwide. Accurately determining the degree of liver fibrosis plays an important role in diagnosis, prognosis and appropriate intervention. Objectives: To determine the rate of liver fibrosis stages and learning some related factors in Senior Military Officers examined at Military Hospital 121 in 2021-2022. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 952 patients who are senior military officers examined at Military Hospital 121 in 2021-2022. Information collected includes general information and liver elastography results. Results: The rate of liver fibrosis of the study subjects was 19.9%, of which 15.8% at F1 stage, 2.0% at F2 stage, 1.5% at F3 stage and 0.6% at F4 stage. Factors associated with liver fibrosis include (p<0.05): age group (OR=1.48), BMI (OR=4.59), history of hepatitis B (OR=2.88), a history of hepatitis C (OR=3.43), a heavy drinking habit (OR=3.8), and a family history of cirrhosis (OR=17.5). Conclusion: The rate of liver fibrosis of Senior Military Officers is quite high (19.9%), but most of them are at the F1 stage (mild fibrosis) with 15.8%, 2% in the F2 stage, 1.5% in the F3 stage and only 0.6% in the cirrhosis stage (F4). The study subjects were elderly, with BMI ≥ 30, have a history of chronic hepatitis B and C, drink a lot of alcohol and have a family history of cirrhosis, the rate of liver fibrosis is higher.

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