Thi Le Nguyen Nguyen1,, Thang Nguyen2, Van Anh Nguyen2, Thi Bich Lien Nguyen2, Thi Tuyet Trinh Nguyen2, Le Hang Luu2
1 Bac Lieu General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are common issues in treatment. Besides, drug-drug interactions are one of the vital reasons for which increase the number of elderly hospitalization. Objectives: Determine the rate and characteristics of drug-drug interactions in elderly outpatients and factors related to the occurrence of drug interactions. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study on 517 prescriptions of 60 years upwards outpatients (from 4/2021 to 1/2022). Sampling by systematic randomization. Drugs.com and Medscape.com were considered 2 main bases to access drug interactions. Results: 415/517 prescriptions appeared drug-drug interactions, in which, serious and medium interactions accounted for 9.3% and 71% respectively. Pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic phase and unknown mechanism drug-drug interactions took 72.62%, 21.59% and 5.78% respectively. Factors related to the occurrence of drug-drug interactions include: Sex, drug-drug interactions in women is higher than men (OR=1.797; 95%CI: 1.008-3.204; p<0.047); Patients who were prescribed ≥3 drugs (OR=2.203; 95%CI: 1.846-2.629; p<0.001); or who had >2 diseases (OR=1.473; 95%CI: 1.207-1.797; p<0.001); or who had >2 drug groups (OR=1.34; 95%CI: 1.111-1.616; p<0.002) the risk of having a DDI increased. Conclusions: The rate of drug-drug interactions in elder patient at the staff department of Bac Lieu General Hospital is rather high. It is necessary to have intervention-training methods and combine the drug-drug interactions warning tool with prescribing software.

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