Kim Phuong Nguyen1,, Thi Hai Yen Nguyen2, Thi Hong Nhung Tran3, Thi Hue Nguyen3, Nhan Trung Le3, Ngoc Phuong Linh Ngo3, Thi Lan Hoang1, Xuan Huong Ho1, Anh Linh Duong1
1 Center for Disease Control of An Giang Province
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 An Giang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: HBV infection among pregnant women in Vietnam is still high level compared to other countries in the region and mother to child transmission is the main cause with about 90% of children infected with HBV from mothers becoming chronic and 20 % of children will die with complications of cirrhosis or liver cancer. Screening for HBV infection in pregnant women contributes to reducing the incidence and serious consequences of HBV. Objectives: Determine the rate of HBV infection and some related factors in pregnant women arriving at An Giang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in 2021-2022. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 1725 pregnant women who came to the clinic and screened for HBV infection by HBsAg rapid test technique, pregnant women were confirmed to have HBV infection when HBsAg (+), related factors were collected. collected with a prepared questionnaire. Result: In our study, the prevalence of HBV infection in pregnant women was 7%. Factors related to the rate of HBV infection are the number of second pregnancies (p=0.02) and relatives of pregnant women infected with HBV (p=0.042). Conclusion: The rate of HBV infection in pregnant women who come to An Giang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital is still high compared to some countries in the region, it is necessary to screen pregnant women with the number of pregnancies since the second time and relatives of pregnant women infected with HBV, to reduce the burden of liver disease caused by mother to child transmission.

Article Details


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