Tran Kim Ngoc Nguyen1,, Lan Thuy Ty Nguyen1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Empirical antibiotics are the first step in intervention in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. Safe and reasonable use of antibiotics is always an important issue in the antibiotic management program to control resistance as well as ensure treatment effectiveness. Objective: To determine characteristics of empiric antibiotic use, and evaluate the reasonableness of empiric antibiotic use to treat pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study using retrospective sampling method of 165 medical records of pediatric patients from 2 months to 5 years old with community-acquired pneumonia treated as inpatients at the Department of Respiratory Medicine and the Department of General Internal Medicine, Can Tho Children's Hospital in 2023. Results: The group of children from 12 months to 60 months with pneumonia accounted for 42%; of which the rate of children with severe pneumonia accounted for 14.5%. Symptoms of fever, cough, wheezing, and pulmonary rales were common manifestations, recorded at a corresponding rate of 78.8%; 88.5%; 67.9%, and 75.2% respectively. Empiric antimicrobial therapy with the most used antibiotics was of the -lactam group, with a rate of 73%. Monotherapy antibiotic regimens were mainly applied at 88.5%. The duration of antibiotic treatment was calculated and the data showed that 6-10 days is the most common length of time in empirical antibiotic therapy with a rate of 67.9%. Evaluating the appropriateness of antibiotic use includes: a combination of experienced antibiotics, times of antibiotic use, dose, duration, and antibiotic indication, we recorded a rate of 98.8%; 92.1%; 89.1%; 92.7%, and 96.4%. Conclusion: The overall rational use of antibiotics accounts for 73.3%, showing that many causes and factors still need to be overcome to enhance safety and effectiveness in the antibiotic use management program.

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