Nguyen Thanh Hai Huynh1,2,, Thi Thao Do2, Van Dung Tran1
1 Ho Chi Minh City Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: The treatment of periapical cysts in elderly individuals presents many challenges. In Vietnam, there are not many studies on periapical cyst surgery with MTA retrofilling in elderly patients. Objective: To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristic and to evaluate the surgical outcomes of apicoectomy with retrograde Mineral Trioxide Aggregate filling in anterior mandibular teeth of elderly patients at the Ho Chi Minh City Hospital of OdontoStomatology from 2023 to 2024. Materials and methods: A clinical intervention study without a control group, involving 52 patients aged over 60 who presented with radiographic periapical lesions in anterior mandibular teeth. Results: Half of the study subjects sought treatment for swelling and pain (50%), and 42.3% presented with pain and pus discharge. The most commonly affected teeth were the right (R41) and left (R31) lower anterior incisors, each accounting for 26.9% of cases. Dental caries and trauma were the most frequent causes of dental pulp death, with the majority of teeth not changing color (69.2%). Most subjects exhibited some degree of tooth mobility: grade 1 (21.2%), grade 2 (34.6%), and grade 3 (36.5%). Radiographically, nearly two-thirds of the cysts measured 8-10mm in size, with most lesions showing uniform radiolucency (63.5%), and about half displaying clear borders. One week post-surgery, the majority of patients reported no pain at the surgical site (84.6%), while mild pain and bleeding at the wound accounted for 11.5% and 3.8% respectively. Most patients had good treatment outcomes one week after surgery (84.6%). Conclusion: Most patients were admitted to the hospital due to swelling, pain, and pus drainage, with the most common origin sites being the teeth 41 and the teeth 31. The majority had sizes on Xray ranging from 8-10mm. One week after surgery, most had good treatment outcomes.  

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