Nguyen Thu Nguyet Tran1,, Minh Tu Hoang1, Anh Vũ Thụy Pham2, Thi Bich Ngan Bien1, Diep Gia Huan Do1, Le Uyen Nguyen1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

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Background: Laser use in endodontic treatment as a routine procedure, as well as studies assessing the effectiveness of treating periapical inflammation using laser diode, have not been widely conducted in Vietnam. Objectives: To describe the clinical features, X-ray characteristics of an upper anterior tooth with periapical inflammation. Evaluating the effectiveness of treating periapical inflammation of the upper anterior tooth using a laser diode. Materials and method: A randomized clinical intervention study was conducted on 84 patients with anterior teeth with periapical lesions with PAI scores of 3, 4, or 5 who were scheduled for endodontic treatment. They were divided into 2 groups, with each group consisting of 42 patients. Group I (control group) received sham laser irradiation. Group II (laser group) irradiated with an 810nm diode laser. Laser irradiation was performed before applying the medicated paste and before sealing the root canal. Results: In the study sample, the majority of the teeth were premolars (52.4%), with the rates of tooth discoloration, presence of cavities, vertical percussion pain, and mobility being 67.9%, 22.6%, 59.5%, and 63.1% respectively. Most teeth had a Periapical Index (PAI) score of 4 (47.6%). The laser group had a higher proportion of painless teeth after 8 hours and 24 hours according to the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) compared to the control group at both appointments (p<0.05). After 3 months, the PAI reduction of laser group (97.6%) much higher than that of control group (81.0%), which was statistically significant. Conclusion: Endodontic treatment with 810nm diode laser can reduce pain and accelerate wound healing.

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