Si Duc Ho1, Thanh Liem Nguyen2, Thi Hong n Huynh3, Thi Yen Nhi Ngo4, Tan Trong Vo2, Tan Cuong Vo4,
1 Bac Lieu General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Can Tho Central General Hospital
4 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic functional disorder of the lower gastrointestinal tract, diagnosed according to ROME IV criteria. Patients with duodenal ulcers infected with Helicobacter pylori have an increased incidence of irritable bowel syndrome.  Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics and endoscopic images of patients with irritable bowel syndrome according to ROME IV in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric ulcers. Subjects and method: 77 patients with duodenal ulcers infected with helicobacter pylori, study design: cross-sectional description. Results: average age 45.6±15.1, men accounted for a higher proportion than women. 100% of patients had symptoms of abdominal pain at least once per week in the last 3 months. Abdominal pain along the colonic framework accounts for 57.1%. Changes in stool characteristics accounted for 90.9%, Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) accounted for a high proportion in our study, accounting for 46.8%. Colonoscopy detected lesions in 14.3%. Conclusion: 100% of patients had symptoms of abdominal pain at least once per week in the last 3 months. Abdominal pain along the colonic framework accounts for 57.1%. Changes in stool characteristics accounted for 90.9%, Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) accounted for a high proportion in our study, accounting for 46.8%. Colonoscopy detected lesions in 14.3%.

Article Details


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